Tips To Create A Great Whatsapp Status

Whatsapp is a messenger application that has become very popular not just amongst youngsters but also amongst adults because it makes it easy for people to chat and keep in touch. Perhaps the major reason as to why this mobile platform is loved is because messages can be exchanged across all operating systems and all mobile phones. It is also a platform that uses the normal data plan for email and browsing the internet and therefore does not add any extra costs to chat, share videos and audio messages with friends and family.

Your Whatsapp status is very important because it easily tells your friends what is on your mind or your mood. You can actually use the status to let people know how you are feeling without talking to them. Those in your list of contacts will frequently be checking your status and your profile photo and they therefore can tell exactly what is going on in your life. It is good to have a cool status, but you also should pay attention to what you are posting, however free you are to post anything on your profile.

Be clear and concise – Short but clear messages can be lovely because they are easy for people to understand what your feelings are. Short statuses are loved because they do not take much time of whoever comes across them. Think about what you want to say and find a sentence that can summarize it so you do not end up writing a story.

Keep your readers guessing – Another way of achieving a great status is to keep the status twisted in such a way that readers are not too sure what you could be saying. A status sentence that has a deeper meaning that is not that easy to unveil can keep your friends wondering what you could be talking about or what you are up to. You can be as creative as you want to be when creating such a status to keep the interest and suspense of your circle of friends.

Use inspirational messages – They are great because they actually can work as a motivator to contacts who could be feeling low or sad about an aspect of life. You can choose sayings that have deep meanings or come up with your own creation of a message that is bound to inspire others. You can never know how many situations you can change for others when you select a meaningful status.

Vent but don’t mention any names – Unless you are writing a positive status dedicated to a person you want to appreciate, avoid mentioning names. It is okay to be mad and angry at someone, but quite another when you put it across for everyone else to see. Find a friendly way of venting your anger without compromising the identity of the other person. You should actually think twice about hurling insults at a specific person using your status. It’s good to keep things civil and find ways of settling the situation directly with the person involved.

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