इ 7 वी सेतू अभ्यास दिवस 38
विषय – इंग्रजी
Activity – 38
Instructions for students –
(1) listen carefully the instructions about the activity.
(2) Read the given sentences properly.
(3) Think and translate these sentences on your own.
(4) If required, take help of teachers/ parents /facilitators.
*Activity *Toss the ball
Here should be – colour strips of following sentences.)
1) Please set me free.
2) Use my bits of advice and be happy..
3) Don’t be so upset.
4) Too bad you let me go.
5) How stupid of me!
6) This is just a silly piece of advice!
As a teaching aid teachers/ parents/ facilitators will make 6 strips of above sentences. And
a ball.
About game
Makea circle. Student having a ball in hand will read any sentence from the strips and toss the ball to anyone in the circle. The student who gets the ball will translate the sentence and toss the ball to some other student in the circle and thus the game will go on. If anyone is unable to translate the sentence will say pass and will pass the ball to the next student. He/she will translate that sentence.

4. विषय – परिसर अभ्यास / विज्ञान कृतिपत्रिका
सेतू अभ्यास विषय परिसर अभ्यास / विज्ञान कृतिपत्रिका याचा अभ्यास करण्यासाठी